Operating Room
Sterilized Stainless Steel Environment

Circulator Station
Promote safety, facilitate team communication, and decrease human factor errors in the OR with our central count station for sponges, medication, and small items.
Need more flexibility in today‘s space squeezed environment? We provide you with casework that can be assembled together and modified to fit your custom dimensions.
Case Carts
Operating room surgical staff can transport fully loaded case carts throughout the facility with the doors closed for increased protection and cart cleaning is a simple and easy task.
Foot Stools
Use our foot stools for secure foot placement when needing a step up.
Throw away contaminated linens in our stainless steel or chrome hampers. Ideal for sterile environments and heavy cleaning. Use our water soluble hamper bags so that you never come in contact with contaminated linens.
IV Stands
Our IV poles are optimal for maintaining continuous fluid delivery for every patient, available in a wide range of adjustable heights with a variety of easy locking options that can be operated with one hand.
Mayo Stands
Our Mayo stands have evolved to meet the needs of the marketplace for maximum utility in an increasingly crowded surgical environment. We have an array of options with varying material, bases, shapes, and adjustment mechanisms to suit your needs.
Personal Protective Equipment
Our personal protective equipment (PPE) protects against airborne, bloodborne, and other types of pathogens and various hazards to ensure the safety of healthcare workers who may be exposed to infectious materials.
Solution Stands & Receptacles
Our high quality, heavy gauge, noise reducing, solution stands ensure your solutions and waste products are easily collected and disposed of in these easy-to-move, easy-to-clean product. To pass under the OR table, choose one of our receptacles or kickbuckets.
Surgical Utensils
We offer surgical utensils that function to hold other surgical materials and liquids. All utensils are stainless steel and welded smooth to ensure sterility for surgery.
We offer adjustable tables are instrument tables designed to straddle the OR table using adjustable height mechanisms to accommodate changes in the table position, as well as a variety of stationary tables for a variety of uses from instrument to utility to general work tables.
Warming Cabinets
Heat and store your blankets and solutions in our warming cabinets. O.R. managers can lock the warming cabinet settings with a key or pass code to assure that the facility meets all requirements and recommended temperature levels.